I'm back at the end of the world (or the beginning or middle, who knows?) that is Flekke and it's great. I've missed so many people and seeing them again after a month is priceless. I read somewhere that no hug is better than a I've-missed-you-hug, and I find that truer than ever.
The beautiful girls in the picture above are my roomies, the picture a bit nicer than the ones I normally post since it was taken during Christmas Dinner by one of the teachers, when we were all dressed up and ready. Having room mates is incredible, and hands down one of the best parts of this place. It's hard to describe the special kind of relationship which you develop after a few months in the same room. I feel like I've known them my whole life, and whether it's watching Walking Dead in A's bed or teasing M for whichever reason (although to be fair, it's the other way around just as often) or drinking chai with H or mate with R, the four of them are the best room mates anyone could wish for. Whereever we go after the year we share in DH 102, I know that I will always have you. <3
You are the most incredible, awesome and astounding!