Sunday, 26 January 2014

So many days and I will never be the same

And I will never be the same
All the people that I've met I never thought I'd find
So let them begin, the memories
-Anna, Leticia and Jasmine, So many days
(Click on the first line to listen to the song)

Ro, you chica loca

A girl who doesn't believe in snow but is kick-ass good at writing songs

That would be me

My crazy Norweigan (see post a few days ago)

Midnight adventures

"I really like this picture. I look crazy, but I really like."

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Socializing, Studying, Sleeping (and Sports)

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The  moon last Tuesday morning
I remember right at the beginning of the school year, we talked a lot about balancing your life here. Oftentimes, three S's were mentioned - sleep, socialize, study. The second years all insisted that it was impossible to manage all three, especially if you wanted to add the fourth - sports. Naturally, at the time, I thought they just didn't try hard enough and of course I would manage. Let me tell you - I don't. Whenever I finally go to bed (late, later, latest) there's always something I've missed out on. Either I didn't study for the quiz the day after, or I did but I missed a nice gathering, or I went to TSK but then I didn't go to bed until very late. Somehow, no matter how hard you try, 24 hours isn't enough to get everything done.

Then, in the weekends, I sometimes expect that I'll miraculously will be able to do everything I didn't do during the week. I plan on reviewing and doing past papers, on having tea with most people and going swimming, never mind actually getting some sleep in. I never succeed with this either, and this Sunday, as usually, I have a long list with things I have to do. MUN paper, Feminist Club and some climbing.

One might think that this would be stressful, and I suppose that in some ways it is. I never feel like I've done enough, I always want to work just a little harder, talk just a little longer, sleep just a little deeper, but there's not enough time. However stressful it is, it's also the most fun I've ever had. I've learned more about life in these five months than I did in the seventeen years before I came. I've learned that it's short, and it's fragile, so never put things off, always enjoy yourself and don't worry too much because as long as you do your best, you'll have a great time.

Friday, 17 January 2014

A post from a crazy, wonderful Norweigan

 (Listen to this while you read)
This post is from wonderful Amalie, my Norweigan co-year.

Hello Anna's blog readers! I live in the floor above Anna (Denmark House 204) and I am often in her room, not only because it's close to mine but also because of the amazing people living in it ( Denmark house are full of them) :) 

Apart from visiting Anna's room I generally like everything about this place and I am very grateful to be here. 
I especially like to be in the art room because it is always people there playing Spanish or Icelandic music which inspire not-so-artistic people like me who take art and kind of suck. Anyway, it's kind of nice to be surrounded by all these movie stars, geniuses, dance talents and artists because it make this school unique and totally different from all my previous schools (Norwegian school system...just saying..).
 I am not really a blog person so I think I will end it here, but keep reading about our exciting life here in nowhere (Flekke, Fjaler, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway).

XOXOXOOXOXOOXOX Amalie without an U


PS. Anna is very grateful for parcels (especially food ) :P :P UWC Red Cross Nordic, N-6968 Flekke, Norway

Fun fact: Amalie is Ei lama backwards and it means a llama in Norwegian (in wrong article)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

MUN, TSK, IOP and then some

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This week it has been sunny and with the snow this place is as beautiful as ever

IB is full of abbreviations. We have TOK, EAC's and EE's, not to mention ROP, OTC and FOA's. In some ways I think UWC's are even worse, because we live at the school, so every aspect of our lives at the moment is named by IB students or teachers. It takes a while to get used to all these different abbreviations and remember exactly what each of them means, but surprisingly it actually stops being confusing.

Anyway, this week is full of abbreviations on my behalf. This Friday, the position papers for MUN (Model United Nations) is due. While I'm excited for the actual thing (basically two days of all the first years and some second years acting out United Nations) the writing part is a little bit exhausting, and a great bit confusing. (Related abbreviations: SPECPOL, MUN, PBL)

On Tuesday I have my IOP (Individual Oral Presentation) for Swedish Lit. I actually happen to like holding presentations, but it's never the less a little bit intimidating to realize that what I do now will be 15% of my final grade. Hopefully it will go smoothly, and then I'll be done with 15% (not really, but a girl can dream).

Naturally I, most like everyone else, have a few things I'll try to improve this year in terms of how I live. My main goal is to try to go to TSK (don't know what it stands for, actually, but it's the gym here) at least four times a week, as well as go swimming Tuesday mornings. After another fifteen minutes or so in the library, trying to work on the two above mentioned things but mainly - sadly - procrastinating, I'll go back to my room and get ready for TSK. I'm already tired, but since that's a constant state of mind at this place I can't let it stop me.

Monday, 13 January 2014

To the best roomies a girl could have

I'm back at the end of the world (or the beginning or middle, who knows?) that is Flekke and it's great. I've missed so many people and seeing them again after a month is priceless. I read somewhere that no hug is better than a I've-missed-you-hug, and I find that truer than ever.

The beautiful girls in the picture above are my roomies, the picture a bit nicer than the ones I normally post since it was taken during Christmas Dinner by one of the teachers, when we were all dressed up and ready. Having room mates is incredible, and hands down one of the best parts of this place. It's hard to describe the special kind of relationship which you develop after a few months in the same room. I feel like I've known them my whole life, and whether it's watching Walking Dead in A's bed or teasing M for whichever reason (although to be fair, it's the other way around just as often) or drinking chai with H or mate with R, the four of them are the best room mates anyone could wish for. Whereever we go after the year we share in DH 102, I know that I will always have you. <3